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In Place of #manw2017, Art's place in the modern world

A world without art is a world where only functionality matters. There would be no need for colors, visual appeal, an idle thought. Entertainment, fa! There would be no art to entertainment, only formula. the same boring things, over and over. Come to think of it, there is a lot of formula riddled television and movies.

Houses would be plain, boxlike with no need for anything fancy. Pictures and paintings would be unheard of, appliances would all be the same. Differences between brands would come down to how dependable it was, or how long it lasted.

Make up? Fashion? Neither would exist, only practical clothing would exist. Essentially the world be cast in a grey pall, nothing to look forward to, nothing to be excited for. The future essentially a dull repetition, with nothing to change or keep hope in our hearts.

Art keeps hope alive, gives everything life where only lifeless function dwelt. It can stirs emotions, give hope to those who need it. Architecture gives life to buildings and domiciles, inanimate objects seem to have personality designed with an artistic touch to pair with functionality.

Of course we have Dali and Warhol to thank for the notion of treating everyday, commonplace items as pieces of art. The number of times that the artistic community has chafed at the constraints of the establishment. The impressionist, abstract, cubistic movements brought art and civilization forward. Art is in everything and no one should take it for granted. It is what keeps us alive and moving forward into the great wonderful universe!

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