Kicking off World Watercolor Month 2019
Having been reminded that July is world watercolor month the week before, I painted a landscape Sunday evening. I was going from memory...
Things to remember when making a color chart
I did not stop to think of the condition of these tubes of paint, whether there was enough paint or if they were in good enough shape. In...
Color Mixing Chart continues
Hello folks, work on the chart continues, with a bit of a leap this past weekend when I decided to use a makeshift disposable pallet....
Creating a new color mixing chart
Been awhile, I do apologize. A short time ago I inherited some watercolors, which I am just now getting around to making a chart for. I...
Mother's Day Plein Air
So one of the things we did for Mother's Day was to go out in the back yard and paint. I will let the others share their works if they...
Update, April 23rd
Haven't posted in just over a week, due to working on single panel comic strips for Knights of the Dinner Table and developing my next...
A Solid Saturday of Sketching
Today was the April sketch crawl at Huguenot Park. It was a fun destination, with some great spots to sketch, it did have an entry fee of...
Another Thursday, another sketch of video gamers
As promised earlier, I was able to knock a sketch out while at GLHF tonight. It was nice to work on a different part of the room. Looking...
Here we are, a week later
So last Friday I was heading out of town and would not be back until Sunday. Thought maybe I could get some sketching done while I was...
Thursday April 5th
I've been a busy little bee today, but not in regards to sketching outdoors. I have been designing creatures for a game I will be running...